Thursday, 6 October 2011

Absenteeism, Presenteeism & Stress... Taking its toll on the UK workforce

Here we go again. 

The headline screams: Absenteeism on the rise amongst British Workers.

Shock, horror, a news item that reveals short term unplanned absence due to ill health is rising.  What do we expect?
Uncertainty abounds.  Even if your organisation is secure, there is always an underlying threat of change.  The news reports problems in Greece, Italy and the Eurozone.  You are told prices are rising and your wages will remain the same.  You will be worse off.  So many issues that could affect you and your family are outside your control. You are helpless, your influence over your circumstances is getting weaker; your level of stress is rising.
Then you go to work.  Here you meet other people who are quick to add to your burden.  They reinforce the rumours.  Ask anyone in the organisation what the biggest issue is and they point the finger at a perceived lack of communication.  When your manager informs you that they have told you everything they know ‘at the present moment’, you want to know more.  What is it you are not being told? 
However hard you try the uncertainty grows.
Eventually this tips others over the edge.  They take time off.  This puts pressure on those that are working who have to cover; customers are met with stressed people or a less responsive service.  And through all this, managers become convinced that they are not being kept in the picture, the leadership team puts their collective heads in their hands and despair at why the level of trust is evaporating.
What do you expect?
How can you empathise with ‘John Smith’ whose call you are taking; one which is simply adding to your level of stress? It’s time to manage the situation.  Start with yourself.  What are you doing to take control over your level of stress? 
Too often we come across managers and leaders who keep taking other people’s stress on board and take no action to reduce their own levels.  Leaders in particular keep going until they suffer a catastrophic breakdown which will take months to recover from.  Leaders have to set an example to everyone else and show how individuals can look after their own wellbeing.  If we can get everyone in the organisation to recognise that they can take control and accept personal responsibility for their wellbeing, then any action taken by teams and the organisation to make this uncertain world more certain will have a far greater effect.
For further information on 'Altogether Better', Paradigmantics' Attendence Management Portfolio, please don't hesitate to contact:

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